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Home » Meow Media Cleaner Pro GPL (v6.7.2) Clean your WordPress

Meow Media Cleaner Pro GPL (v6.7.2) Clean your WordPress

Meow Media Cleaner Pro GPL is a vital plugin for WordPress users seeking an efficient way to clean and optimize their media libraries. As websites grow, they often accumulate a plethora of unused or redundant media files, which can clutter the media library and slow down the website. Meow Media Cleaner Pro addresses this issue head-on by providing a streamlined solution for identifying and removing unnecessary media files, thereby enhancing website performance and management.

The digital footprint of a website expands over time, with images, videos, and other media files contributing significantly to its size. These media files, while essential, can become a liability if not managed properly. Unused or unlinked files not only consume valuable server space but can also impact website loading times and overall performance. Meow Media Cleaner Pro is designed to tackle this challenge, offering WordPress site owners a tool to maintain a clean and efficient media library.

This plugin is especially beneficial for websites with extensive media content, such as photography sites, e-commerce platforms, and content-rich blogs. By keeping the media library optimized and free of unnecessary files, Meow Media Cleaner Pro ensures that websites remain fast, efficient, and easy to manage.


  1. Automatic Detection of Unused Media: The plugin scans the WordPress media library, posts, pages, and other content types to automatically identify media files that are not used or referenced anywhere on the site.
  2. Safe Cleanup Options: Meow Media Cleaner Pro offers safe cleanup options, allowing users to review and confirm the deletion of detected unused media files, minimizing the risk of accidentally removing important files.
  3. File Retention System: Users can mark specific files for retention, ensuring that essential media files are not deleted during the cleanup process.
  4. Analysis of External Media: Beyond the media library, the plugin can analyze media files embedded from external URLs, helping to identify and clean up broken or irrelevant external links.
  5. Support for Various Media Types: The plugin is capable of handling a wide range of media types, including images, videos, audio files, and PDFs.
  6. Detailed Reporting: After each scan, Meow Media Cleaner Pro provides detailed reports of unused media files, offering insights into the media usage and optimization opportunities.
  7. Integration with Page Builders: The plugin is compatible with popular page builders, ensuring that media files used within these builders are correctly identified and not falsely marked as unused


  1. WP-CLI Support: For advanced users, Meow Media Cleaner Pro offers WP-CLI support, allowing the management and cleaning of media files through command-line instructions, which is particularly useful for large-scale websites.
  2. Media Trace Feature: This unique feature traces where and how each media file is used on the website, giving a comprehensive view of media utilization, which is crucial for large websites with complex structures.
  3. Backup and Restore Functionality: Before performing any cleanup, the plugin can create backups of media files, ensuring that users can restore any file if needed.
  4. Regular Updates and Support: Meow Media Cleaner Pro is regularly updated to keep up with the latest WordPress developments and standards. The plugin also comes with dedicated support, assisting users with any issues or queries.
  5. Customizable Search Criteria: Users can customize the search criteria for unused media, allowing for a more targeted and specific cleanup process based on the website’s unique requirements.
  6. Performance Optimization: By removing unused media, the plugin helps in optimizing the website’s performance, leading to faster loading times and a better user experience.

Meow Media Cleaner Pro emerges as an indispensable tool for WordPress website owners, especially those with media-intensive sites. Its ability to efficiently identify and remove unused media files is crucial in maintaining a clean, organized, and high-performing media library.

This plugin not only frees up valuable server space but also contributes to faster website performance, which is essential in today’s fast-paced digital environment where speed and efficiency are paramount. The range of features, from automatic detection and safe cleanup to detailed reporting and integration with page builders, makes Meow Media Cleaner Pro a comprehensive solution for media management.

The added functionalities like WP-CLI support, media trace feature, and backup/restore options cater to both novice and advanced users, providing flexibility and peace of mind. By streamlining the process of media cleanup, the plugin not only enhances website performance but also significantly reduces the workload of website managers and developers.

In conclusion, Meow

Media Cleaner Pro Nulled is more than just a media cleaning tool; it’s a vital component for the optimal management of any WordPress website. Its comprehensive approach to identifying and removing redundant media files simplifies website maintenance, improves loading times, and enhances the overall user experience. The importance of maintaining a streamlined and efficient website cannot be overstated in the digital age, and Meow Media Cleaner Pro plays a crucial role in achieving this goal.

The plugin’s effectiveness in optimizing the media library makes it a valuable asset for website owners, particularly those with large or media-heavy sites. By ensuring that only necessary media files are stored, it aids in reducing server load, improving website backup times, and minimizing potential issues related to data management.

Meow Media Cleaner Pro’s commitment to regular updates and strong customer support further solidifies its position as a reliable and essential tool for WordPress website optimization. Whether for a personal blog, a professional portfolio, an e-commerce site, or a large corporate platform, the plugin delivers a level of media management that is both efficient and user-friendly.

In an era where online presence is critical, and website performance can significantly impact success, Meow Media Cleaner Pro stands out as a smart investment for any WordPress site owner. It ensures that your website remains clean, fast, and focused on delivering the best content and user experience possible.


6.7.2 (2024/02/02)

  • Add: “Create Batch” feature for Filesystem scans, streamlining the scanning process.
  • Add: “Delete Permanently” option in trash tab for targeted item management.
  • Add: Tooltip for repair mode to enhance user understanding and interaction.
  • Fix: Option to disable OB Cleaning.
  • Fix: Corrected dashboard media link functionality for subdirectories.
  • Fix: Resolved issues with backslash replacement on multiple occurrences for more accurate processing.
  • Info: We are working hard on Media Cleaner. If you want to share some love, write a simple and nice review here. Thank you so much! 💖

6.7.0 (2024/01/13)

  • Add: New ‘check-live’ argument for WP-CLI.
  • Add: Import and Export of the settings.

6.6.9 (2023/12/05)

  • Add: Expert Mode for advanced users.

6.6.8 (2023/11/18)

  • Add: Support for ACF File Field based on IDs.
  • Add: Repair Mode for Filesystem Scan (use this carefully, still in beta).
  • Update: Much better “References” section in the Dashboard, with additional filters.
  • Update: Various additional enhancements, maybe you’ll notice! 😊
  • Add: Support for Academy LMS.

The GNU General Public License (GNU GPL or simply GPL) is a series of widely used free software licenses or copyleft that guarantee end users the four freedoms to run, study, share, and modify the software. The license was the first copyleft for general use and was originally written by Richard Stallman, the founder of the Free Software Foundation -FSF-, for the GNU Project. It is more restrictive than the Lesser General Public License and even further distinct from the more widely used permissive software licenses BSD, MIT, and Apache. Nulled means activated license system for GPL softwares and it is available for the free download.